Implementation of Epoll

There are many articles about the usage and/or implementation of epoll on the web now. However, I think that some straightforward summary I want and some details that I am interested in are still missing. So I write this post.

note #

  • based on the source code of Linux Kernel v4.16
  • suppose that readers know about the usage of epoll.

prerequisite #

poll() operation of file #

A file operation, poll(), is needed for the implementation of select/poll/epoll.1

// linux/fs.h
struct file_operations {
    // ... omitted
    __poll_t (*poll) (struct file *, struct poll_table_struct *);
    // ... omitted

What does this operation do? In general, this operation is for monitoring the “readiness” of the operations like read and write on this file.

It is supposed to do two things:

  1. Expose the queue(s) related to “readiness” inside this file: call the callback wrapped inside poll_table_struct with each queue
  2. Return a bitmask indicating current “readiness”, similar to the (struct epoll_event).events.

poll_table_struct #

Let’s take a look at poll_table_struct first. It is a function pointer + a bitmask indicating the events we are interested in.2

 * structures and helpers for f_op->poll implementations
typedef void (*poll_queue_proc)(struct file *, wait_queue_head_t *, struct poll_table_struct *);

 * Do not touch the structure directly, use the access functions
 * poll_does_not_wait() and poll_requested_events() instead.
typedef struct poll_table_struct {
        poll_queue_proc _qproc;
        __poll_t _key;
} poll_table;

typedef unsigned __bitwise __poll_t;    // types.h

implementing the poll operation #

Each device need to implement this operation on their own, because its logic depends on the device. But usually, it is quite simple.

  1. for every related queue, call a function poll_wait provided by the kernel, passing the queue and the argument poll_table_struct to it.
  2. set the bitmask and return it.

Here is an example from LDD33: the implementation of poll for a device named scullpipe:

static unsigned int scull_p_poll(struct file *filp, poll_table *wait)
    struct scull_pipe *dev = filp->private_data;
    unsigned int mask = 0;

    // call poll_wait on every related queue
    poll_wait(filp, &dev->inq, wait);
    poll_wait(filp, &dev->outq, wait);
    // set the mask
    if (dev->rp != dev->wp)
        mask |= POLLIN | POLLRDNORM;
    if (spacefree(dev))
        mask |= POLLOUT | POLLWRNORM;
    return mask;

poll_wait is a very simple function. It just call the callback in poll_table if feasible.

static inline void poll_wait(struct file * filp, wait_queue_head_t * wait_address, poll_table *p)
        if (p && p->_qproc && wait_address)
                p->_qproc(filp, wait_address, p);

about the event mask #

poll_table._key is the mask of the poll operation, similar to the event mask in epoll.

In the previous example scull_p_poll, this mask is not used. Here is an example how it is used.

The poll operation for socket:4

static __poll_t sock_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait)
        __poll_t busy_flag = 0;
        struct socket *sock;

         *      We can't return errors to poll, so it's either yes or no.
        sock = file->private_data;

        if (sk_can_busy_loop(sock->sk)) {
                /* this socket can poll_ll so tell the system call */
                busy_flag = POLL_BUSY_LOOP;

                /* once, only if requested by syscall */
                if (wait && (wait->_key & POLL_BUSY_LOOP))
                        sk_busy_loop(sock->sk, 1);

        return busy_flag | sock->ops->poll(file, sock, wait);

Here, we use the _key on the poll_table, checking for POLL_BUSY_LOOP. If feasible, do a busy loop.

useful example: socket poll #


static __poll_t sock_poll(struct file *file, poll_table *wait)
        __poll_t busy_flag = 0;
        struct socket *sock;

         *      We can't return errors to poll, so it's either yes or no.
        sock = file->private_data;

        if (sk_can_busy_loop(sock->sk)) {
                /* this socket can poll_ll so tell the system call */
                busy_flag = POLL_BUSY_LOOP;

                /* once, only if requested by syscall */
                if (wait && (wait->_key & POLL_BUSY_LOOP))
                        sk_busy_loop(sock->sk, 1);

        return busy_flag | sock->ops->poll(file, sock, wait);

This seems to be the top level socket interface. Will dispatch to sock->ops->poll.

Here, we use the _key on the poll_table, for flag POLL_BUSY_LOOP.

So, the mask in poll_table is used.

Summary #

The poll operation of file is supposed to do two things:

  1. call the callback wrapped inside poll_table with each related queue
  2. return a bitmask indicating current readiness.

list and queue in the Kernel #

The idea of epoll is actually quite simple. Most of the complexity in the code is to do it in a somehow object-oriented style, in the efficient way of kernel.

To understand it, you need to understand how pointer-based data structure in the kernel work, e.g. linked list and red-black tree.

For this is a post for epoll, I will use the code of epoll as examples.

embedded anchor #

struct epitem is one of the most important data structure in the implementation of epoll, representing a file descriptor registered in the epoll fd. It contains the epoll_event that we pass in during epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_ADD), a epoll_filefd containing the pointer to corresponding file struct, and some other data.

struct epitem{
    struct epoll_filefd ffd;
    struct epoll_event event;
    // here I just want to show how the linked list in the kernel
    // work. Many fields omitted.

struct epollpoll is the data structure representing the epoll instance.

struct file represents an opened file.

In current implementation, an epitem may be add into several containers, including:

  • eventpoll.rbr, a red-black tree of all registered epitem
  • eventpoll.rdllist, a list of epitem of ready file descriptors
  • file.f_ep_links, a list of all the epitem referencing this file

Beside, each epitem also has a list on its own: a list of eppoll_entry.

Figure 1: links on an epitem

Figure 1: links on an epitem

In the world outside of the kernel, if we want to maintain a list of ready epitem on eventpoll, we simply add a list on eventpoll:

#include <list>

struct eventpoll{
    // ... omitted
    std::list<epitem*> rdllist;
    // ... omitted

void add_new_epitem(eventpoll* ep, epitem* epi){

Inside the list, there must be nodes similar to this:

struct my_node{
    epitem* data;
    my_node* prev, next;                   // doubly linked

And when we add an element to the list, we create a new my_node, where data is the new pointer to epitem.

But here, in the kernel, we do it differently:

// add a new member "rdllink" in epitem
struct epitem{
    struct epoll_filefd ffd;
    struct epoll_event event;

    /* List header used to link this item to the "struct file" items list */
    struct list_head rdllink;

// need to add a list in struct eventpoll, of course
struct eventpoll{
    // ... omitted
    struct list_head	rdllist;
    // ... omitted

Definition of list_head6:

 * The linkage struct for list nodes. This struct must be part of your
 * to-be-linked struct. struct list_head is required for both the head of the
 * list and for each list node.
 * Position and name of the struct list_head field is irrelevant.
 * There are no requirements that elements of a list are of the same type.
 * There are no requirements for a list head, any struct list_head can be a list
 * head.
struct list_head {
    struct list_head *next, *prev;
Figure 2: two ways to link epitem into a list

Figure 2: two ways to link epitem into a list

We don’t need any new memory when adding an epitem into the list. We just need to set and .prev.

This rdllink can only link its epitem into the rdllist of one eventpoll. For example, if an epitem may occur in the rdllist of multiple eventpoll, one rdllink per epitem won’t do it. Fortunately, here epitem and eventpoll have many-to-one relationship.

add, add_tail, delete, contains, all in O(1) #

Given the head of the list (eventpoll.rdllist) and an epitem, we can do both add (to the front) and add_tail in O(1) easily, because this is a doubly-linked circular list.

We can also:

  1. tell if the epitem is in the ready list
  2. remove it from the ready list

both in O(1), and don’t even need the head of the ready list. Here is a code snippet in ep_remove, which is called during epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_DEL):

static int ep_remove(struct eventpoll *ep, struct epitem *epi){
    // omitted

    // if epi is in the ready list now, delete it from the list
    if (ep_is_linked(&epi->rdllink))

    // omitted

We can do this because, epitem belongs to one eventpoll. This epitem is either linked by rdllink into the rdllist of this eventpoll or not.

  • In the former case, the pointers in epi->rdllink pointers to adjacent entries in the rdllist.

    • If we want to delete it, we just need to link the two adjacent entries together and reset this entry.
  • In the latter case, the pointers in epi->rdllink point to itself, indicating that this epitem is not in the rdllist.

// this initializes a list_head
static inline void
INIT_LIST_HEAD(struct list_head *list)
    list->next = list->prev = list;

static inline bool
list_empty(struct list_head *head)
    return head->next == head;

static inline int ep_is_linked(struct list_head *p)
        return !list_empty(p);

static inline void
__list_del(struct list_head *prev, struct list_head *next)
    next->prev = prev;
    prev->next = next;

static inline void
list_del_init(struct list_head *entry)
    __list_del(entry->prev, entry->next);
pros and cons of embedded anchor #


  1. don’t need to allocate/deallocate memory for the node when inserting/deleting
  2. with a pointer to epitem, we can
    • tell if it is currently linked inside a rdllist
    • remove it from rdllist
  3. don’t need a list type for every type of element
  4. elements of a list can be of different types


  1. need to know which containers the strcut will be added into in advance.
    1. this is ok because
      1. we (the programmers of the kernel) have control of the code in whole kernel
      2. still possible to fall back to the usual way if necessary
  2. similar to using void* to pass different types of data, programmers must keep in mind the actual type of underlying data.

In summary, by making use of the knowledge of how the struct will be used, we use this design pattern to improve performance and convenience, at the cost of giving extra care at programming.

embedded original struct into another struct to pass more data #

In addition to using embedded list_head to implement linked list, the kernel code also use the trick of embedded struct to pass more data.

To understand what I mean, let’s see an example in the epoll implementation.

Remind the section about the poll() operation of a file.

We call the poll() operation of the file with file* and poll_table*. Internally, for each queue related to operation readiness in the file, we will call te callback wrapped inside poll_table with it:

static inline void poll_wait(struct file * filp, wait_queue_head_t * wait_address, poll_table *p)
        if (p && p->_qproc && wait_address)
                p->_qproc(filp, wait_address, p);

The callback is called with

  • the file* indicating the file
  • a wait_queue_head_t, which is the queue
  • poll_table*, which we pass to the poll operation.

What if we need more data in this callback? More specifically, in the implementation of epoll, this callback will be ep_ptable_queue_proc, and inside this function, we need to get the pointer to the corresponding epitem. How can we do this?

static void ep_ptable_queue_proc(struct file *file, wait_queue_head_t *whead,
                                 poll_table *pt)
    // need to get a pointer to the corresponding epitem of this file

Here, file is a preexist kernel structure, indicating the opened file. whead is the queue provided by the device. poll_table is the argument of this poll() call.

typedef void (*poll_queue_proc)(struct file *, wait_queue_head_t *, struct poll_table_struct *);

typedef struct poll_table_struct {
    poll_queue_proc _qproc;
    __poll_t _key;                      // a bitmask indicating interested events
} poll_table;

As we can see, there is no place in poll_table_struct for extra data.

In a language that supports lambda function and closure, we may consider to store the wanted epitem* in a temporary lambda function. Somehow similar to this:

def ep_ptable_queue_proc(file, whead, pt, epitem):
    # omitted

def call_poll_operation(file, event_mask, epitem):
    def temp_fun(file, whead, pt):
        # save epitem in the closure
        ep_ptable_queue_proc(file, whead, pt, epitem)

    poll_table = (temp_fun, event_mask)
    poll(file, poll_table)

But we can’t do this in C, especially not in the kernel.

The solution is, wrap the poll_table that we pass to the poll operation in another struct, and store the needed info in this outer struct.

/* Wrapper struct used by poll queueing */
struct ep_pqueue {
    poll_table pt;
    struct epitem *epi;

static int ep_insert(struct eventpoll *ep, const struct epoll_event *event,
                     struct file *tfile, int fd, int full_check)
    // many code omited
    struct epitem *epi;
    struct ep_pqueue epq;

    /* Initialize the poll table using the queue callback */
    epq.epi = epi;
    init_poll_funcptr(&, ep_ptable_queue_proc);

    // will call the poll operation of the file of this epitem with
    revents = ep_item_poll(epi, &, 1);

// mainly call the poll operation of the file
static __poll_t ep_item_poll(const struct epitem *epi, poll_table *pt, int depth)
    // simplified
        pt->_key = epi->;
        if (!is_file_epoll(epi->ffd.file))
                return epi->ffd.file->f_op->poll(epi->ffd.file, pt) &

Inside ep_ptable_queue_proc, we get the epitem* like this:

  static void ep_ptable_queue_proc(struct file *file, wait_queue_head_t *whead,
                                   poll_table *pt)
      struct epitem *epi = ep_item_from_epqueue(pt);
      // code omitted

  /* Get the "struct epitem" from an epoll queue wrapper */
  static inline struct epitem *ep_item_from_epqueue(poll_table *p)
          return container_of(p, struct ep_pqueue, pt)->epi;

#ifndef container_of
#define container_of(ptr, type, member) \
    (type *)((char *)(ptr) - (char *) &((type *)0)->member)

How does it work?

  1. a poll_table is embedded into ep_pqueue
    1. and the callback wrapped in this poll_table is ep_ptable_queue_proc.
  2. we pass a pointer to this embedded poll_table to the poll()
  3. internally, the callback will be called with queue(s) in the file and the poll_table* we passed in.
  4. Here, the callback is ep_ptable_queue_proc
  5. inside ep_ptable_queue_proc, we know that this poll_table must be wrapped inside a ep_pqueue (because ep_ptable_queue_proc is only used here, and here the poll_table is wrapped inside a ep_pqueue).
  6. according to the memory layout of struct ep_pqueue (which is fixed at compilation time), we can get the starting address of this ep_pqueue from poll_table*.
  7. then, we just need to access the epi field on this ep_pqueue.

wait queue in the Kernel #

In the implementation of epoll, wait queue is used a lot.

Here I will do a brief introduction about the usage of wait queue in the kernel.

A wait queue is like a hook in elisp. When something interesting occurs, you call every callback in the wait queue.

struct wait_queue_entry {
        unsigned int		flags;
        void			*private;
        wait_queue_func_t	func;
        struct list_head	entry;

struct wait_queue_head {
        spinlock_t		lock;
        struct list_head	head;
typedef struct wait_queue_head wait_queue_head_t;

The key here is the wait_queue_entry.func, which is the callback.

When we want to activate this queue, we call __wake_up_common on it:

// greatly simplified
static int __wake_up_common(struct wait_queue_head *wq_head, unsigned int mode,
                            int nr_exclusive, int wake_flags, void *key,
                            wait_queue_entry_t *bookmark)
    wait_queue_entry_t *curr, *next;
    // loop over the queue
    list_for_each_entry_safe_from(curr, next, &wq_head->head, entry) {
        unsigned flags = curr->flags;
        int ret;
        // call the callback on this entry. notice that a pointer to
        // this entry is passed to this callback as the first argument
        ret = curr->func(curr, mode, wake_flags, key);
        if (ret < 0)

By default, we will have a callback that wake up the process at that time.

void init_wait_entry(struct wait_queue_entry *wq_entry, int flags)
    wq_entry->flags = flags;
    // set private to current task
    wq_entry->private = current;
    // autoremove_wake_function will wake up the task stored in
    // "private" and remove this entry from the queue
    wq_entry->func = autoremove_wake_function;

However, epoll will use a customized callback, and doesn’t have to wake up any task.

implementation #

epoll_create #

  1. alloc and initialize an eventpoll
  2. alloc a fd
  3. alloc a file
    1. set its private data to a pointer to this eventpoll
  4. install this file with this fd into current process

We use a fd to refer to the epoll instance. We want to do this fast. fd -> file -> file.priv is fast.

the red-black tree in eventpoll #

In the eventpoll, there is a red-black tree containing all the epitem in this epoll instance.

epitem.rbn is the embedded anchor for this RBT.

The key for the RBT is epitem.ffd, of type epoll_filefd

struct epoll_filefd {
    struct file *file;
    int fd;
} __packed;

/* Compare RB tree keys */
static inline int ep_cmp_ffd(struct epoll_filefd *p1,
                             struct epoll_filefd *p2)
    return (p1->file > p2->file ? +1:
            (p1->file < p2->file ? -1 : p1->fd - p2->fd));

Since this is a red-black tree, we can find, insert, delete in O(log(n)).

This RBT is mainly used by epoll_ctl and other management functions. Getting the ready events and epoll_wait use other data structures instead of this RBT.

epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_ADD) #


  1. some simple check
  2. make sure that the key (file*, fd) doesn’t exist yet
  3. call ep_insert()

ep_insert do most of the job:

  1. construct a new epitem
  2. call the file’s poll operation: register callback into the queue(s) and get current events
  3. add this epitem to file.f_ep_links of the file (record all the epitem of a file)
  4. insert into the RBT
  5. if it is already ready, add it into ep->rdllist and wake up the two wait queues on ep

ep_item_poll #

What we do here is actually quite simple: call the file’s poll operation, in order to

  • call the callback provided by ourselves with each related queue in the file
  • get current events of this file

Here, the callback is ep_ptable_queue_proc.


So, what does this callback do?

It add an entry into to wait queue.

  1. construct a new eppoll_entry (see below)
  2. add it into the wait queue (anchor: wait)
  3. link it into epitem.pwqlist
epitem.pwqlist #

This list contains all the wait queue entry eppoll_entry of this epitem.

You may wonder that why do we need a list for this. A epitem is for only one file, and we only create new eppoll_entry at insertion.

However, the file may provides multiple queues in the poll() operation.

For example, in the scull_p_poll() example in implementing the poll operation, the device provide 2 queues instead of one. In this case, we will call the callback in poll_table, i.e. ep_ptable_queue_proc, twice, and create 2 eppoll_entry, one for each queue. Both of them are added into epitem.pwqlist.

In summary, epitem.pwqlist contains all the wait queue entries eppoll_entry for this epitem. One for each queue provided by the device in its poll operation.

eppoll_entry #

So, after a long way, we are here. Most of the work before is for adding the eppoll_entry to the wait queue(s) of the file.

/* Wait structure used by the poll hooks */
struct eppoll_entry {
        /* List header used to link this structure to the "struct epitem" */
        struct list_head llink;

        /* The "base" pointer is set to the container "struct epitem" */
        struct epitem *base;

         * Wait queue item that will be linked to the target file wait
         * queue head.
        wait_queue_entry_t wait;

        /* The wait queue head that linked the "wait" wait queue item */
        wait_queue_head_t *whead;

Let’s see in detail how ep_ptable_queue_proc do this:

static void ep_ptable_queue_proc(struct file *file, wait_queue_head_t *whead,
                                 poll_table *pt)
    struct epitem *epi = ep_item_from_epqueue(pt);
    struct eppoll_entry *pwq;

    // omitted ...
    init_waitqueue_func_entry(&pwq->wait, ep_poll_callback);
    pwq->whead = whead;
    pwq->base = epi;
    if (epi-> & EPOLLEXCLUSIVE)
        add_wait_queue_exclusive(whead, &pwq->wait);
        add_wait_queue(whead, &pwq->wait);
    list_add_tail(&pwq->llink, &epi->pwqlist);
    // omitted ...

The code is quite straightforward. We just set the field on eppoll_entry, and add it into the queue and epi->pwqlist.

We will talk about EPOLLEXCLUSIVE later.

Here, just notice that there is a callback on the wait_queue_entry_t, i.e. eppoll_entry.wait (the anchor for the wait queue).

struct wait_queue_entry {
        unsigned int		flags;
        void			*private;
        wait_queue_func_t	func;
        struct list_head	entry;

func here is set to be ep_poll_callback.

We want to attach more data to this wait_queue_entry (mainly epitem*). It is possible to make use of wait_queue_entry.private, like the default behavior which store current task to this field. However, we also want to link this entry into epitem.pwqlist. So, instead of using the private field, here we use the “embedded original struct into another struct to pass more data” trick here again

summary of EPOLL_CTL_ADD #

We are done with epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_ADD) now. We will see what the callback registered in the queue(s), i.e. ep_poll_callback, do later. Here, let’s have a summary for EPOLL_CTL_ADD.

Personally, I think that this is the most tricky part in the implementation of epoll. However, this is not because of the difficulty of the thing it do, but because of the design pattern which is unusual outside of the kernel.

So, after all, what have it done after a successful EPOLL_CTL_ADD?

(ep shorts for eventpoll)

what extra where
check: key shuold not in the ep.rbr now epoll_ctl
construct a new epitem ep_insert
for each wait queue provided by poll operation of this file poll operation
>>> construct a new eppoll_entry callback: ep_poll_callback ep_ptable_queue_proc
>>> link this eppoll_entry into the queue ep_ptable_queue_proc
>>> link this eppoll_entry into epitem.pwqlist ep_ptable_queue_proc
get current events of this file poll operation
add epitem to file.f_ep_links ep_insert
insert this epitem into ep.rbr ep_insert
if already ready, add to ep.rdllist and wait up queues on ep discuss later ep_insert

related fun and struct:

  • epitem: one of the core data structure, represent a fd in the epoll set.
    • lifetime:
      • created and linked to the RBT on eventpoll during insertion
      • unlinked from the RBT and deleted when this fd is removed from the epoll set
  • ep_item_poll(): used by ep_insert, call the poll operation of the file
  • ep_insert(): do most of the job in epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_ADD)
  • ep_ptable_queue_proc()
    • the callback for poll operation during insertion
    • will construct a new eppoll_entry and add it to the queue
    • used only in insertion
  • ep_pqueue
    • poll_table + epitem*
    • used to pass epitem* to ep_ptable_queue_proc
    • used only in insertion
  • eppoll_entry
    • the entry for this epitem in the poll queue of the file
    • lifetime:
      • created and added to the queue at epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_ADD),
      • removed only when this fd is removed from the epoll set
        • (EPOLL_CTL_DEL or closing the whole epoll instance)
        • (see where ep_unregister_pollwait is called)
  • ep_poll_callback()
    • the callback on the wait queue entry. Will be called when the queue are activated.

In the insertion, the main mission of ep_insert(), ep_pqueue, ep_ptable_queue_proc() is to access the queue(s) in the file and add eppoll_entry to each of them.

After inserting the fd, what we need to do is to monitor the “readiness” of the fd in the epoll set. Here, the callback ep_poll_callback on the wait queue entry and epoll_wait will play the main roles. We will talk about them next.

a few words about the event mask #

In the poll operation, there is an event mask in poll_table.

typedef struct poll_table_struct {
        poll_queue_proc _qproc;
        __poll_t _key;                  // the event mask
} poll_table;

On the epoll_event, which is the argument of epoll_ctl and stored on epitem, there is also an event mask.

struct epitem {
    // omitted ...
    struct epoll_event event;

struct epoll_event {
    __poll_t events;
    __u64 data;

We will use the mask in epoll_event as the mask in poll operation.

// in ep_item_poll
pt->_key = epi->;
// then use pt to call the poll operation of the file

In ep_poll_callback, we will match the mask with the occured event. If don’t match, discard this event.

// ep_poll_callback

// pollflags is the mask of the event
if (pollflags && !(pollflags & epi->
    goto out_unlock;

We can modify this mask (epi-> with epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_MOD).

when are the queues activated? #

OK, now we have an eppoll_entry with callback ep_poll_callback sitting in each of the files. When are the queue(s) activated?

drilling into the code #

When is the queue(s) in the poll operation of the file activated?

Take socket as an example: linux/sock.c.

*	@sk_data_ready: callback to indicate there is data to be processed
*	@sk_write_space: callback to indicate there is bf sending space available

sk->sk_data_ready is called when data arrive. Its value is sock_def_readable. This function will activate the wait queue (where the eppoll_entry is added during epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_ADD)) on the socket if feasible.

static void sock_def_readable(struct sock *sk)
        struct socket_wq *wq;

        wq = rcu_dereference(sk->sk_wq);
        if (skwq_has_sleeper(wq))
                wake_up_interruptible_sync_poll(&wq->wait, EPOLLIN | EPOLLPRI |
                                                EPOLLRDNORM | EPOLLRDBAND);
        sk_wake_async(sk, SOCK_WAKE_WAITD, POLL_IN);

It seems that this function is called every time data arrive at the socket. Start from dccp/ipv4.c dccp_v4_rcv:

/* this is called when real data arrives */
static int dccp_v4_rcv(struct sk_buff *skb)

And go all the way down to sock_def_readable.

Similarly, sock_def_write_space is called when it is writable. It wakes up the queue when available space is not less than half of the buffer. More accurately, I think that sock_def_write_space is called every time data is sent and some space get available. (not verified)

static void sock_def_write_space(struct sock *sk)
        struct socket_wq *wq;


        /* Do not wake up a writer until he can make "significant"
         * progress.  --DaveM
        if ((refcount_read(&sk->sk_wmem_alloc) << 1) <= sk->sk_sndbuf) {
                wq = rcu_dereference(sk->sk_wq);
                if (skwq_has_sleeper(wq))
                        wake_up_interruptible_sync_poll(&wq->wait, EPOLLOUT |
                                                EPOLLWRNORM | EPOLLWRBAND);

                /* Should agree with poll, otherwise some programs break */
                if (sock_writeable(sk))
                        sk_wake_async(sk, SOCK_WAKE_SPACE, POLL_OUT);


why does it matter? #

From the code, it seems that, in socket, the queue which eppoll_entry is in is activated when:

  • every time data arrive and
  • every time data is sent and it is writable now (a reasonable amount of space is available in the write buffer).

You can see that this behavior is quite similar to the epoll edge-triggered mode.

Actually, from the code, we will see that registering a callback (ep_poll_callback) to the queue of the fd leads to a edge-triggered behavior naturally. On top of this, we support a level-triggered behavior with some extra code (It is quite simple. Discussed later.)

Knowing this, we can get better understanding of the behavior of the edge-triggered mode.

When a big chunk of data arrive, the queue is activated once. If we read only a part of it and leave some unread in the socket read buffer, we won’t get another notification until the arrival of new data.

Here is an example (one socket, ET)

  1. 100B data arrive
    1. queue activated, ep_poll_callback is called
  2. epoll_wait, get the event
  3. read 50B
  4. epoll_wait, get nothing

However, if data arrive multiple times, we can get multiple events with multiple epoll_wait, even if we never read from it.

  1. 10B data arrive
    1. queue activated, ep_poll_callback is called
  2. epoll_wait, get the event
  3. 10B data arrive
    1. ditto
  4. epoll_wait, get the event
  5. 10B data arrive
    1. ditto
  6. epoll_wait, get the event

Hence the words in the manual of epoll:7

Since even with edge-triggered epoll, multiple events can be generated upon receipt of multiple chunks of data, the caller has the option to specify the EPOLLONESHOT flag, …

collecting ready events #

Remind that, the purpose of epoll is to get the fd in the epoll set that are ready for read and/or write. We get the epoll_event describing ready fd in an array provided by ourselves, by calling epoll_wait(). So, the problem here is, how are these events collected?

In brief:

  1. there is a list of ready epitem on eventpoll, the data structure representing the epoll instance.
  2. when data arrive/is sent, the queue of the fd is activated, and ep_poll_callback is called
    1. ep_poll_callback will put the corresponding epitem into the ready list of eventpoll
  3. when epoll_wait is called, we simply take current ready list, iterate over it and write to the output array.

Some problems remain:

  • what if the ready list is empty when we call epoll_wait?
  • what if new events come (ep_poll_callback is called) when we are transferring data in epoll_wait?

ep_poll_callback #

Let’s see ep_poll_callback in detail.

arguments of ep_poll_callback #

Signature of ep_poll_callback:

static int ep_poll_callback(wait_queue_entry_t *wait, unsigned mode, int sync, void *key)

Meaning of arguments:

  • mode and sync are not used
  • wait points to the wait queue entry that causes this callback to be called.
    • here, it points to a wait_queue_entry_t embedded in an eppoll_entry
  • key is the mask indicating the event occured.
    • e.g. in sock_def_readable, when we wake up the queue, key is set to be EPOLLIN | EPOLLPRI | EPOLLRDNORM | EPOLLRDBAND.

ep_poll_callback,step by step #

Below is what ep_poll_callback do, step by step. Before that, I want to mention that there is actually two ready list on an eventpoll instance: rdllist and ovflist. Most of the time, ep_poll_callback add ready epitem to rdllist. However, when there is a task calling epoll_wait and transfering current ready list to userspace, new ready epitem are linked into ovflist. (More detail later)

(You may want to have the code in hand:

  1. get epitem* from wait, the wait queue entry
  2. get eventpoll* from epitem (epitem.ep)
  3. lock eventpoll (ep->lock)(will discuss locking and multithread in detail later)
  4. Check if there are events that we are interested in. If not, clean up and done (goto out_unlock).
    1. interested events is stored in epi->
    2. occured events is in key
  5. if is transferring events to userspace now, add epitem into the ep.ovflist
    1. in this case, don’t wake up wq and poll_wait because there is already a process calling epoll_wait
  6. link epitem into ep.rdllist unless already linked
    • If multiple events occur on one fd before calling epoll_wait, we can see here that after the first occurrence, the epitem is linked inside rdllist. Following call of ep_poll_callback just skip this step.
      • In effect, multiple events on one fd before any epoll_wait are “merged” into one.
    • we can tell if it is in the list in O(1) (see add, add_tail, delete, contains, all in O(1))
      1. use epitem.rdllink to link it into the ready list
      2. one epitem is only used by one epoll instance
      3. only need to check epitem.rdllink
  7. activate wait queues in the epoll instance: wq and poll_wait
    1. wq: processes calling epoll_wait() and blocked
    2. poll_wait: queue for the pull() operation of the epoll fd itself
      1. epoll can be used in a nested manner, i.e. adding an epfd into another epoll. This need special treatment in the epoll implementation to avoid problems, for example, closed loops. Not discussed here.
  8. out_unlock
    1. unlock eventpoll

(Other) things that I have omitted:

  • RCU, wakeup_source: don’t know yet.
  • EPOLLEXCLUSIVE: new feature in Linux 4.5. Will be discussed separately.

summary of ep_poll_callback #

What does it do?

  1. check the mask of occured event. if nothing interested, do nothing.
  2. add the corresponding epitem into the ready list of the epoll instance. (rdllist or ovflist)
  3. activate the queues on the epoll instance
    • wq: processes that are blocked in epoll_wait
    • poll_wait: queue for the poll operation of epoll itself

epoll_wait #

As mention before, what epoll_wait do is mainly making use of the current ready list on eventpoll, and write data to the user-provided array.

This sounds simple, but there are some interesting things to take care of:

  • epoll_wait may block if there is no epitem in the ready list now.
    • and there may be multiple processes blocking on one epfd.
  • need to handle the two ready lists correctly
  • different behaviors for some different flags in epoll, like ET/LT and EPOLLONESHOT are mainly implemented here.

main functions used in epoll_wait #

  • epoll_wait

    • the entry point. do some simple check and call ep_poll
  • ep_poll

    • do the “polling”, aka. the loop checking, until the ready list is not empty (if not nonblocking). If empty now, sleep until waked up by ep_poll_callback, signal or timeout.
    • when the ready list is not empty, call ep_send_events
  • ep_send_events

    • simply call ep_scan_ready_list with ep_send_events_proc as callback.
  • ep_scan_ready_list

    • mainly handle the “main ready list and temp ready list” thing, and call the passed-in callback (here is ep_send_events_proc) to do the real job.
  • ep_send_events_proc

    • loop over the ready list and do the copy to user array
    • when working on each epitem, will call the poll operation of the file to check its current readiness. If there is currently no interested events on this file, will simply drop it without reporting to epoll_wait.
    • handle ET/LT and EPOLLONESHOT here
  • (I think that it is totally ok to write ep_scan_ready_list and ep_send_events_proc in one function. Here we split them and pass one to another as callback, mainly for reuse and code tidiness.)

ep_poll #

(Again, you may want the code in hand:

ep_poll has the same arguments as epoll_wait, except that the epfd in epoll_wait is replaced with eventpoll* here.

int epoll_wait(int epfd, struct epoll_event *events,
               int maxevents, int timeout)

static int ep_poll(struct eventpoll *ep, struct epoll_event __user *events,
                   int maxevents, long timeout);

We can get the eventpoll* from epfd like this: (done in the epoll_wait function)

eventpoll* ep = fdget(epfd).file->private_data;

There are two parts in ep_poll:

  • fetch_events
  • check_events

ep_events_available is a very simple function:

 * ep_events_available - Checks if ready events might be available.
 * @ep: Pointer to the eventpoll context.
 * Returns: Returns a value different than zero if ready events are available,
 *          or zero otherwise.
static inline int ep_events_available(struct eventpoll *ep)
        return !list_empty(&ep->rdllist) || ep->ovflist != EP_UNACTIVE_PTR;

Some extra notes:

  • ep_busy_loop in the code is for busy polling, a new feature added in v4.12. As I see it, it doesn’t poll the file. Instead, it polls the network device. This won’t affect the semantic of ET because the data in the device are considered “not arrived” yet. (Maybe more in another post.)

  • epoll_wait add current process to ep->wq, which is waked up in ep_poll_callback

    • This wait queue entry is marked as “exclusive”.

      • When a queue is activated, the callbacks of all non-exclusive entries and the callback of one exclusive entry, if there is one, are called.
    • Suppose that there are multiple processes blocking on one epoll instance in epoll_wait (the ready list should be empty now). When a epitem get into the ready list, only one of the epoll_wait should be waked up (thus the exclusive flag here). It will take the ready list and copy to the user’s array (discuss below). After this, it will wake up ep->wq again if there are still available epitem in the ready list.

  • the lock hold here is ep->lock, and it is unlocked when

    • sleeping
    • calling ep_send_events
  • according to the comment, the time that we set task state to TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE is important. But I don’t quite understand it.

summary of ep_poll #

Well, I think that this is a typical kernel function that

  1. check specific condition
  2. if not met, sleep until waked up or timed out


  • wanted condition is that the ready list is not empty
  • add itself to ep->wq and expect to be waked up by ep_poll_callback
  • timeout is an argument of epoll_wait
  • when we find that the ready list is not empty, call ep_send_events(). If no event is actually sent, we go back to the waiting loop.

This function (blocking) returns when one of these conditions happen:

  • a signal is caught
  • time out
  • at least 1 events is sent to the userspace.

ep_scan_ready_list #

ep_poll call ep_send_events when there are epitem in the ready list. ep_send_events simply call ep_scan_ready_list with ep_send_events_proc as callback.


  1. initialize a new list txlist
  2. lock ep->mtx
  3. lock ep->lock
  4. move current content of rdllink into txlist
    1. rdllink reinitialized to empty list
    2. these epitem are still linked together with rdllink. Just change the head of linked list from ep->rdllist to a temporary txlist.
  5. change ep->ovflist from EP_UNACTIVE_PTR to NULL
    1. so, ep_poll_callback will add new epitem into ovflist directly without touching rdllist
  6. with ep->lock temporarily unlocked:
    1. call the callback, here it is ep_send_events_proc.
  7. move all epitems on ovflist to rdllink
    1. if not already linked
  8. set ep->ovflist back to EP_UNACTIVE_PTR
    1. so further ep_poll_callback will add epitem to rdllist, just like usual.
  9. concat txlist (remaining epitems not uesd by the callback) back to rdllist
    1. in ep_send_events_proc, this only happens when an error occurs when writing data to the array provided by the user
  10. if the rdllist is not empty now
    • activate the two queues
      1. activate ep->wq (with ep->mtx and ep->lock locked)
      2. activate ep->poll_wait (with ep->mtx and ep->lock unlocked)
    • remind that in ep_poll_callback, we add current process to ep->wq with the exclusive flag, so only one epoll_wait is waked up when new event occurs. Here, after current process have done with the ready list, we activate ep->wq again so that another blocked epoll_wait, if there is one, will be waked up if the ready list is not empty now.
  11. unlock ep->lock and ep->mtx
behavior of ovflist #

In ep_poll_callback, we add to ovflist directly without checking rdllink if ovflist is active.

 * If we are transferring events to userspace, we can hold no locks
 * (because we're accessing user memory, and because of linux f_op->poll()
 * semantics). All the events that happen during that period of time are
 * chained in ep->ovflist and requeued later on.
if (unlikely(ep->ovflist != EP_UNACTIVE_PTR)) {
        if (epi->next == EP_UNACTIVE_PTR) {
                epi->next = ep->ovflist;
                ep->ovflist = epi;
                if (epi->ws) {
                         * Activate ep->ws since epi->ws may get
                         * deactivated at any time.

        goto out_unlock;

/* If this file is already in the ready list we exit soon */
if (!ep_is_linked(&epi->rdllink)) {
        list_add_tail(&epi->rdllink, &ep->rdllist);
  1. Suppose an epitem, E, is currently in the ready list.
  2. epoll_wait, in ep_scan_ready_list, current ready list is spliced to txlist.
    1. E.rdllink is linked, but now in the txlist, not the rdllist
  3. at this time, events occur again on epitem E. ep_poll_callback is called.
    1. if we check rdllink here, we may think that it is already in the ready list and do nothing. In effect, if there comes new event on a currently transfering epitem, it is ignored.
    2. However, this is not what we want. We want to preserve events occur during epoll_wait.
    3. So, instead, we add this epitem to ovflist temporarily and add it back to rdllist when the copying is done.
  1. if an epitem is currently in the txlist in ep_scan_ready_list (linked with rdllink)
  2. new event come and ep_poll_callback is called.
    1. should add this epitem to the ready list
      1. don’t want to “merge” the new event and the event that is currently transferring to the userspace in epoll_wait
  3. can’t link it into rdllist, because we need rdllink for this, and it is already used
  4. solution: add to ovflist instead
summary of ep_scan_ready_list #
  • call the callback (will be ep_send_events_proc)
    • ep->mtx locked and ep->lock not locked (discuss later)
  • three lists here: rdllist, ovflist, txlist
    • ovflist is a simple singly linked list, linked with
      • new epitem go to ovflist during the execution of the callback
    • rdllist and txlist both use epitem.rdllink
      • in this case, you can’t tell if a epitem is linked inside rdllist or txlist by checking epitem.rdllink

ep_send_events_proc #

ep_send_events_proc works on txlist, the ready list taken from rdllist. It does the copy to the userspace and handles flags like EPOLLONESHOT and ET/LT. Note that the poll operation of each fd is called here (again) to verify that the fd do have some events that we are interested in at this time.

  1. for each epitem on txlist (stop when number of sent events reach maxevents, the argument of epoll_wait.)
    1. wake up ep->ws ???
    2. remove it from the list (linked with epitem.rdllink)
    3. call the poll operation of the file (again) to get its current event mask
      1. the callback on poll_table is none
        1. remind that in epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_ADD), we use the file’s poll operation to get its current mask and register eppoll_entry to its queue(s). At that time, the callback is ep_ptable_queue_proc. Here, we don’t need to do anything with the queue, thus the null callback.
    4. if no monitored event now, discard this one
    5. use __put_user to write to the epoll_event in the provided array in userspace.
      1. if error occur, add this epitem back to txlist and set the return value to indicate error.
      2. otherwise: number of sent events +1 (esed->res++)
    6. if EPOLLONESHOT, deactivate this epitem by setting its event mask.
    7. otherwise, if EPOLLLT, add this epitem back to rdllist
    8. return value is the number of events written to userspace, or a negative number indicating error.
LT over ET #

ET is the “natural” behavior of epoll, because of the usage of wait queues of the files and the timing that ep_poll_callback is called. We are notified every time a chunk of data arrive8. However, after the arrival, we can’t get notification for the data unread and lying in the read buffer.

If we want to know if there is currently data readable in the fd, instead of only getting notified when data arrive, what should we do?

A naive solution is to keep a list of epitem that are marked EPOLLLT in the epoll instance. Every time we call epoll_wait, we check the event mask of each epitem in this list (poll operation).

However, we can do better than that, because of the following observation: a fd is only possible to be readable …

  • after an arrival of data (which is monitored by ET) (A)
  • before the first time after this arrival that we find that this fd is not readable. (B)

Hence the implementation of LT

  1. add the epitem to the ready list at data arrival (already done in ET) (A)9
  2. in epoll ep_send_events_proc:
    1. Check the current event (readiness) of the fd of epitem. If no monitored events, discard this epitem from the ready list. (B)
    2. If it is not discarded, add it back to the rdllist after writing the corresponding epoll_event to the userspace.

We can get interesting behavior from this. Consider the following case:

  1. initialize an epoll instance to monitor one fd (EPOLLIN, EPOLLLT)
  2. data arrive at this fd

    1. ep_poll_callback is called, epitem of this fd is added to the ready list.
  3. epoll_wait, get an epoll_event of this fd

    1. in ep_send_events_proc, we take this epitem off the list txlist, write to the user’s epoll_event, and because of EPOLLLT, we add this epitem back to the ready list.
  4. read all data currently available on this fd. Further read will block.

    1. note that, this will not trigger any operation in the epoll10
  5. do nothing for, let’s say, a whole day.

    1. for a whole day, this epitem sit in the ready list, although there is no data currently readable on it.
  6. call epoll_wait

    1. in ep_send_events_proc, we poll this fd and find that it is not ready for read. We simply discard this epitem.

    2. epoll_wait gets no event.

summary of epoll_wait #

epoll_wait send events in current ready list to the userspace.

  • ep_poll: mainly implement the “check-and-sleep” loop for the blocking version of epoll_wait

  • when an epoll_wait is called, ep_poll_callback should add epitem to eventpoll.ovflist temporarily and when epoll_wait is done, content of ovflist should be moved into rdllist, the main ready list. ep_scan_ready_list handle this.

  • ep_send_events_proc: write the epoll_event of an epitem to the output array if feasible. Handle EPOLLONESHOT, LT here.

more #

lock in epoll #

Let’s see the comment in fs/eventpoll.c:

 * There are three level of locking required by epoll :
 * 1) epmutex (mutex)
 * 2) ep->mtx (mutex)
 * 3) ep->lock (spinlock)

Here is a summary of the usage of these locks:

(“W” means the lock is held in (almost) the whole function.)

function name epmutex ep->mtx ep->lock
epoll_ctl handle nested epoll W
ep_scan_ready_list W W, except calling ep_send_events_proc
ep_send_events_proc (held by caller)
ep_poll_callback W
ep_remove (held by caller) when unlinking from rdllist
ep_modify (EPOLL_CTL_MOD) (held by epoll_ctl) when(if) adding epitem to= rdllist
ep_insert (held by epoll_ctl) when(if) adding epitem to= rdllist
ep_free (free epoll instance) W ep_remove() over RBT
eventpoll_release_file (auto remove) W ep_remove()

epmutex #

epmutex is a global mutex. Its comment is clear:

 * This mutex is used to serialize ep_free() and eventpoll_release_file().
static DEFINE_MUTEX(epmutex);
  • ep_free destory the whole epoll instance.
  • eventpoll_release_file is called when a file is closed without unregistering from epoll.
    • file.f_ep_links is a list of epitem of this file.

Comment in ep_free:

 * We need to lock this because we could be hit by
 * eventpoll_release_file() while we're freeing the "struct eventpoll".
 * We do not need to hold "ep->mtx" here because the epoll file
 * is on the way to be removed and no one has references to it
 * anymore. The only hit might come from eventpoll_release_file() but
 * holding "epmutex" is sufficient here.

ep->mtx #

This lock is held when doing/avoiding modification on the epitem in the epoll (especially removal).

ep_scan_ready_list hold ep->mtx so that epitem won’t vanish from the ready list because of unregistration.

ep->lock #

ep->lock protects the ready list rdllist.

ep->ovflist #

We don’t want to hold ep->lock when copying data to the userspace in ep_send_events_proc, because it is relatively slow and will hang up ep_poll_callback.

As a solution, we add ep->ovflist. When ep_scan_ready_list is called, we change ovflist from unactive to active so that ep_poll_callback will add new epitem to ovflist temporarily, without touching ep->rdllist and epi->rdllink. When ep_send_events_proc is done, we move current epitem in ovflist into rdllist and deactivate ovflist.

why ovflist is necessary? #

Since we splice rdllist to a temporary list txlist in ep_scan_ready_list, it seems that it is possible for new epitem to be added into rdllist directly. However, we don’t do this because:

  1. both txlist and rdllist make use of epitem->rdllink.

    • If we try to link an epitem that is currently in txlist into the rdllist, we will find that rdllink is already linked and do nothing. As a result, this new event is “merged” with the one in txlist now

    • It seems that this is not what the author(s) want. We don’t want to merge new events with those that are currently transferring to the userspace. (However, multiple events on one fd before any epoll_wait are merged.)

      • (I don’t know if such a behavior is necessary or just a preference.)
  2. ep_send_events_proc may modify rdllist. If the epitem is LT, we will link it into rdllist after writing to the corresponding epoll_event in userspace.

    1. add this time, only this ep_send_events_proc will modify the rdllist

      1. epoll_ctl and other calls of epoll_wait (ep_send_events_proc) and are locked out by ep->mtx.

      2. ep_poll_callback will queue new epitem in ep->ovflist.

EPOLL_CTL_MOD, ep_modify #

When we call epoll_ctl(EPOLL_CTL_MOD), it does some simple check and call ep_modify with ep->mtx held:

 * Modify the interest event mask by dropping an event if the new mask
 * has a match in the current file status. Must be called with "mtx" held.
static int ep_modify(struct eventpoll *ep, struct epitem *epi,
                     const struct epoll_event *event)
  1. modify epitem-> and epitem->
  2. if have interesting event now (ep_item_poll)
    1. link into the ready list (with ep->lock locked)
    2. wake up the two queues
      1. ep->wq (ep->lock locked)
      2. ep->poll_wait (ep->lock unlocked)

The most interesting thing here is that we check its current readiness after updating the event mask. If it has some interesting events now, we add it into the ready list. However, we don’t remove it from the ready list (if it is there) when we find that it has no events currently monitored. This is ok because we will check its current events in ep_send_events_proc again before sending it to the output array.

  1. Notice that, this file operation named poll and the function poll for I/O multiplexing are different things. [return]
  2. linux/poll.h [return]
  3. Linux Device Drivers, Third Edition [return]
  4. net/socket.c [return]
  5. find this from [return]
  6. copy from drivers/gpu/drm/nouveau/include/nvif/list.h ??? [return]
  7. [return]
  8. I use read as an example here. Writing is similar. [return]
  9. refers to the observation above [return]
  10. maybe not true in some special case [return]